What is FEM?
Field effect electron microscopy (FEM) is an imaging technique that uses a focused beam of electrons to obtain very high-resolution images of the surface of a sample.
What are the advantages?
FEM has a number of advantages over optical microscopy or conventional electron microscopy, including
– Better spatial resolution: FEM can achieve nanometre resolution, enabling finer details and smaller structures to be visualised than with other techniques.
– Greater depth of field: FEM enables greater relief and contrast to be seen on the surface of the sample, thanks to the use of a low-energy electron beam at a low angle of incidence.
– Greater sensitivity to elements: FEM can detect the chemical composition and distribution of elements present on the sample surface, using specific detectors that measure the X-rays or secondary electrons emitted by the sample.
– Easier to prepare: SEM does not require the sample to be coated with a conductive layer, as is the case with conventional electron microscopy, so the properties or appearance of the sample are not altered.
FEM is therefore a powerful and versatile technique, with numerous applications in a wide range of fields, including biology, physics, chemistry, materials and nanotechnology.